About Tssia
The Origin of TSSIA
TSSIA (Taiwan Safety and Security Industry Association) was established on January 28th, 2005 and was assisted by Industrial Development Bureau MOEA, Taiwan for cross-domain integration in Taiwan safety and security industry. Due to the 911 terrorist’s attacks, governments worldwide have been taken serious attitude and polices on homeland security enhancement. In Taiwan, the relevant safety and security industries scatter in every field and lack a coordination platform in charge of communication and coordination among various departments; thus, the TSSIA has been found with resources and force from the industry, science institutions, and government of Taiwan, being the communication intermediary to overcome the predicaments what Taiwan safety and security industry encountered.
The Objectives of TSSIA
The objective of TSSIA is to assist Taiwan government to promote the development of local safety and security industry. The main purpose of TSSIA is to organize and to integrate relevant safety and security industry’s resources, which are from business, government, academy and research institute. It acts as a communication platform among sectors to interact with government authority for policy support. Industrial environment improvement, technology R&D, and strengthening competitiveness of enterprises are also TSSIA’s tasks.
Functions of TSSIA
To integrate resources of safety and security industry associated various fields for communication in technology and experience.
To hold international conference and exhibition and to assist businessman in acquiring information, which are related to products inquiring, market share and technology information.
To undertake talent training courses and in-service education in safety and security industry.
To research and to promote national inspection identification standards and safe products inspection seal.
To enhance propaganda in society and to promote education at school for safety and security concept embedded in people and enterprises.
Service Scope of TSSIA
To collect domestic and overseas safety and security industry information, which are related to products inquiring, market share and technology information.
To integrate enterprises’ and others’ resources in safety and security industry.
To research and to promote national inspection identification standards and safe products inspection seal.
To review and collate Taiwan safety and security relevant ordinances and standards; then, to modify or delete untimely ones.
To accept projects about safety and security affairs of products, technology broker, trade promotion, enterprises’ consultant and diagnosis, talent training, industrial research and planning.
The future
TSSIA was established under the support of Industrial Development Bureau MOEA, Taiwan along with business, government, academy and research institute. It has already held several conferences and seminars about development of safety and security industry so far. It will encourage more communication through information exchange among business, government, academy and research institute and offer TSSIA members useful information about market situation and know-how with e-paper and the built of TSSIA exclusive websites (http://www.tssia.org.tw) hereafter. TSSIA also will invite experts and scholars who are from different fields to scheme and propose strategy and direction of safety and security industry development for enterprises’ reference. TSSIA is expecting even more multinational communication and cooperation in the upcoming future; moreover, it will assist manufacturers in broadening global marketing for creating brand-new view of Taiwan safety and security industry.